Sunday, 1 February 2009

why this trailer will be given a rating of 15

this trailer will include alot of scenes inappropriate for younger audiences, and we have chosen to keep the age rating for viewers aged 15 and over.
the trailer will include:
  • scenes of moderate violence e.g. punches being thrown
  • the presence of alcohol
  • props which look like drugs but the audience will be able to tell they look like drugs
  • shots of guns
  • shots where an enemy gang member is blindfolded and tied to a chair so the audience will be able to tell that they are being tortured
  • armed robbery
  • however, the trailer will include no blood or make up because we haven't got the equipment to do that, so scenes where there suppose to be blood will be shot at night, and low key lighting will be used so the audience cannot see the wounds which supposed to be there.

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