Saturday, 3 January 2009

creating media blogs

short outline of the project-
A few years ago the American government wanted to finally put an end to ongoing gang violence, especially in central Los Angeles. it set up a scheme where ex convicts and criminals previously belonging to powerful street gangs like the bloods and crips would be kicked out of their country and shipped overseas to start a new life in another country. unfortunately, the UK was foolish enough to agree to host their country as a new life for the gang members, but the UK police force was no match to the power these gangstas had on the streets, and even though they were a long way from home, almost 1000 miles away, they still possessed the contacts and people to supply them with deadly firearms and drugs to corrupt the UK like they did to America. the project will show us how an innocent little town of Southall in west London, once full of respectable, smart, talented students had become a victim to gang violence, and how people were now scared of even walking outside by themselves during the day. it will create a powerful message aimed towards the youths of today to step away from this sort of life, and no matter how many problems you may face when your growing up and even though everyone else is joining in with something bad, you must stay away from this sort of life, full of drive bys and innocent killings, as it only created more problems. it will also show the government how they must use all their power to stop gangs from taking over the streets, and destroying the peaceful life of its citizens.

information about the research carried out-
we've already looked at a number of documentaries showing how life is like in ghettos ruled by gangs such as the bloods and crips in Los Angeles. This has let us see what kind of things to include in the trailer, and what not to include. From the documentaries we have seen the way the gang members talk, how the gangs look and the similarities and differences between the gangs which will help us with creating a more powerful narrative.We are planning to fully analyze films which are similar to what we want to create, and see the techniques used by those directors and what effect it has in bringing out a sense of gang life.

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